
About ten minutes worth of ramblings

There are times when this city can be frustrating. First of all, the scale of the place makes getting anywhere a matter of concerted effort. This isn't like Boston, where a good half hour will get you to Southie, or New Haven when about half an hour of biking can get you clear across town. Though the subway system is far-flung and fairly quick, Beijing is quite simply huge. In the States, the only city I can think of that comes close is New York City - a much better analog than LA, where people drive everywhere, because really Beijing is just a series of neighborhoods, one after another, turning toward the fringes into farm towns, all growing the same crops. My botanical knowledge is sorely lacking, but rather than the rice paddies of Vietnam, which are essentially my only good comparison, these are rows after rows of what look like cornstalks, with the occasional root vegetable or orchard of peaches all growing in paper bags (pollution induced, perhaps?). I'm not tired of the food at this point, but it's becoming a possibility whereas before I wouldn't have worried about it.

The weather as legitimately beautiful yesterday. Blue sky, interspersed with clouds. Warm but not drenched-in-sweat-inducingly so. The rumor has it that August will see the haze return in style, but for now, I can't complain.

Planned to write more, no time as usual. Now if dell would just get their act together...

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